White Ribbon

White Ribbon

White Ribbon UK is the leading charity engaging with men and boys to end violence against women. Your Homes Newcastle alongside Newcastle City Council are accredited organisations. Because of thousands of people like us we are able to get the message out that men’s violence against women and girls must end. And that all men can make a difference.

Newcastle being presented with the award

By gaining White Ribbon Accreditation we can:

  • make a difference in our communities to end violence against women

  • improve our organisational culture, safety and morale

  • increase the knowledge and skills of our staff to address violence against women

We have a specialist team in YHN where you can access support to the help you need. You can contact us by emailing safeguarding@yhn.org.uk

We also have a range of external support that you can access. Click here to read more. 

Find out more about the White Ribbon campaign at www.newcastle.gov.uk/whiteribbon  

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